
Tuesday 10 November 2020

S3-Day 17: Education is Genderless

Reflecting verse: 
41 But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; 42 there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:41,42 

Growing up among girls in the family, education was important for us. My father being the only male in our family, with four female siblings along with my mother we always had the notion that, ‘without education we will not be respected in society. 

However, it was not as easy as we thought it would be. The society we live in is patriarchal in nature. A man is given utmost respect and he controls the society and family, while a girl does not have a voice even if she is well-qualified. Sadly, after attainting a certain age a girl is forced quit studies and married away, sooner the better. 

Over the years I have heard the same words, again and again, either from elders or family members telling my sisters and me, it is not necessary for us to complete all the educational degrees. The reason being, we are only girls in the family. I have heard them telling me or even to my sisters that; ‘Don’t study for long,’ ‘Get married soon,’ ‘after getting the degrees, what will you do,’ ‘while spending years studying, man will not propose you.’ ‘even if you are qualified you will not get a job.’ 

I am reminded of an incident, one relative told me, ‘you are the eldest daughter in your family so don’t trouble your parents, just find a man and get married.’ The most common, funny but frustrating word was, ‘if a girl is too qualified a man feels ashamed to propose for marriage, which makes the girl ends up being a spinster.’ Spinster in our society are disdain. 

If I think of all these comments, it makes me indignant, sad, and sometimes disappointed. 

I believe, if I were a boy I would have never heard of such things. People would encourage men to get the highest education and achieve the highest post (job). Fortunately, my sisters and me have almost reached the milestone in getting education all because of our supportive parents. However, many girls might not have the same opportunities like us. I am sure many girls in our society go through such experiences. Those comments mentioned above are the reasons why a girl never finishes her schooling and chooses to get married. Several times it is the lack of education that forces a girl to be a house wife under dominant husband. 

God never despises anyone for their gender. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his teaching. Jesus never said to Mary that you are a girl, so you do not need education, instead when Martha her sister complaint to Him of Mary not helping her, Jesus replied, “Mary has chosen the good portion, which will never be taken away from her” (Ref. Luke 10:38-42). 

I would like to challenge you to spread the thought that, all the girls whether young or old never to be discouraged with what the society tells, but ‘achieve the heights and fulfil dreams and be powerful.’ 

Jesus would intend, a girl-child’s education as priority, never discriminating her or holding her back. Everyone without any gender discrimination has the right to education of their own choice and be educated and empowered. 

Dear God, the source of all wisdom and understanding, we pray for all the girls in our society and in the world. May you give us courage to face challenges and grant us the power to reach the heights. Amen. 

Author: Imtienla Namo 

About the author: Imtienla Namo hails from Mokokchung District of Nagaland State. She is a graduate from the Alder College, Kohima. She completed her Bachelor of Divinity from Clark Theological College and studied Master of Theology in the department of Pastoral Ministry: Counselling from United Theological College. 

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