
Thursday 5 November 2020

S3-Day 12: Tribal Women & Racial Discrimination

"Those who say, ‘I love God’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen cannot love God whom they have not seen." 
1 John 4:20 

The Tribal people in India have been denied their due identity. They are treated worse than "third class" citizens and experience difficulties in different ways. Though they have rich cultural heritages, people still tend to treat the tribal community with contempt. They have always been victims of discrimination outside their native land. More to the story is, being Tribal was not enough in itself, for there had to be an Indian Tribal Woman, who is oppressed, exploited and considered as dirty alien creature amongst Tribals. This Covid19 Pandemic knows no race, no gender, no age and no social status, only made it worst. 

During this pandemic some of our tribal friends residing outside, continue to experience racial discrimination and gender injustice. Though, being an Indian Tribal woman, listening to a tag of “Chinese or Chinky” has become a routine. Since 2017, I have been residing in Kolkata, where most of the people from that locality accepts me as I am, but after the Covid-19 Pandemic, whenever I go out, the same people who once accepted me started calling me ‘Corona’

One day a group of people began to even humiliate me in front of others saying, “because of Chinese people like you, Corona Virus have been brought to India.” At that moment, I was not the only Tribal present but there were two of my male friends who also belong to the Northeast region. To my surprise, I was the only person who was victimized just because ‘I am a Tribal Woman’ in this sexist world. It was like, a wolf waiting for the right time to attack the prey. But I could not keep quiet, I stood up for myself replying ‘I am an Indian…’ 

When I shared my experience to one of a Senior Pastors about me being called ‘Chinese or Chinky,’ his response stunned me more than anything else. He responded with a smile, saying “My dear, it is not only you from Northeast region who is called Chinese, there are many people that have been racially discriminated, so no need to feel excluded”. I could only partly agree with his statement that I am not the only victim, there are many. But if we do not speak up now, then who will and when? And if a leader like him play ‘the dirty ignorance game’ then it shows that his faith is towards a colorblind God. No one understands what we go through until they are in our shoes. 

In one of the Hindi movies named ‘Tubelight’ an actor named Salman Khan who played as Laxman Singh a.k.a. Tubelight, despite his disability,  stood alone for a single Chinese woman. Though it was an act, but I believe there are some people like "Mr. Tubelight" who understands what we go through and stand up for humanity. They are like an image of God for us, unlike the people who, because of their own ignorance, illiteracy, and dirty mentality, racially discriminate the Tribal women. Therefore, I always believe that whenever we are humiliated and racially discriminated, God is always present with us in some kind of personification. We believe in a God who is not colorblind but who stands up for women who were discriminated in various ways in the society. The beauty of God’s creation is found in diversity and not in uniformity. 

We must not mix religion and racism, for we cannot love God and hate God’s creation. Despite different religions, many people claim to be great believers, projecting a loving God yet discriminating others. We must understand that God is our example and pattern of life, who does not discriminate others but covers everything with love. Being a Tribal Woman, I wish that one day everyone will show respect and value all women accepting diversity in color and region. There is a need to educate one another that women are not mere toy or any dirty material to be discriminated, but are also the ones who build our nation like our Bharat Mata. 

God of the Tribal women, we pray for all women who are racially discriminated all over the world because of their ethnicity. May your power of acceptance and understanding dwell in all people, so they may value and respect women the way they are, for you created us and them in your own image. Humble our hearts to stop racial discrimination against Tribal women. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Author: Sentienla Amer 

About the author: Senti is an Ao Naga from Mokokchung Nagaland. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Divinity from Bishop’s College, Kolkata. 

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