
Tuesday 1 December 2020

S4-Day 1: Advent: The Earth’s Magnificat

Traditionally “Advent” is understood as a time announcing the “coming of the Lord” according to the Christian liturgical calendar. While the first advent (announced by Mary and Elizabeth) celebrated the coming of the Emmanuel, the advents after announced the preparation for the coming of the Lord, the Parousia. But, the crux of the advent was merely, “the Lord is coming” but also the “Magnificat” which Mary sang. Therefore, advent announced the coming of the Lord and the toppling of empires, falling down of oppressors and God reclaiming creation that was unjustly dominated by the forces of greed. 

In her Magnificat, Mary is seen praising God and soulfully singing in her pains and struggles. Today, the earth too, is seen going through similar pain and struggle. While a major part of creation suffers death, hunger, ill-health, impoverishment, nakedness, homelessness and so much more; there is a meagre group that lavishes in filthy crimes, dirty politics, creepy greed for power, unlawful accumulation of wealth and much more. 

While Mary sang the Magnificat recalling the falling of such evils, today the earth sings: 

“My mud, rock and sand-grains magnify the Lord, and my waters and my earthlings rejoices in God my Saviour, for she has looked with favour on the helplessness of her creation. 

Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is her name. 

Her mercy is for all, from generation to generation. She has shown strength over greed, love over hatred; she has scattered the fascists, fundamentalists, elites, racists, rapists, caste-ists in the thoughts of their hearts. 

She has brought down the rich, powerful and greedy from their thrones and lifted up migrants, COVID19 patients, Dalits, women, children, homeless, and other survivors; she has filled those in need with good things and sent the filthy-rich away empty. 

She has helped her creation, in remembrance of her mercy, according to the promise she had made at the time of creation.” 

Today the COVID19 pandemic has caused the poor to become poorer and the rich richer. The Herods ruling nations are ignorant of the atrocities mete out to the people and creation. Unjust laws are implemented, capitalists encroaching lives, the impoverished stripped of everything they have, people of higher castes murdering others in the name of gods, women, children and persons with disabilities stomped upon and crushed. 

The world leaders have catered to crony capitalists’ greed and plundered the earth of all its resources, resulting in humans and creation equally suffering. World leaders fighting over vaccines, farmers protesting for their rights, victim-families crying for justice, the ice melting and islands drowning, people killing over gods, race, castes and so on; violence increasing day by day, besmirching earth and everything in it, replicating a similar context in which Jesus was born. Today through her Magnificat, the earth cries out a soulful lament this advent. What is the response the earth’s cry? Will we continue our silence at faces of evil and injustice? 

May the oppressors’ dirty rule end and the weak be uplifted. May this song ring a death-bell to those who plunder the lowly and lavish in their hunger. May the masks of the wolves be torn, and no sheep be slain. May the earthlings call the earth blessed. Amen 

Author: Vinod Shemron 

About the Author: Vinod earned his Bachelor of Divinity from the United Theological College, Bangalore. He completed his internship with the National Council of Churches in India, Nagpur. He served as the Associate Executive Secretary of the Mission and Scholarship Desk of the Student Christian Movement of India, Bangalore. He is presently pursuing Master of Theology in the Department of Christian Theology from North India Institute of Post Graduate Theological Studies, Serampore. His interests are music, drama, poetry and creative writing.