
Tuesday 29 December 2020

S4 Day-29: Who killed the infants? Herod or his henchmen?

Reflecting Verse:
“When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the children in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the magi.” 
Mathew 2: 16 

The killing of children followed Christ’s birth. The wailings and mourning shattered “the Silent night”. Fast rewind, Herod was furious not just because he was outwitted by the three wisemen but that he would be ousted from the throne too, the seat of power, if the prophesies were true about the birth of Messiah. So he “orders” his henchmen. He “orders to kill” the children, who among them could be the Messiah oblivious of the fact that his parents have escaped with him to Egypt. 

Often we come across horrendous news of female foeticide, and babies found in “dirty” places like the garbage bins, or piles of garbage at some isolated places or by the drainage systems. Some fortunate babies are found alive while some dead or half eaten by dogs. Some women go through abortions, involving major health risks. When such stories confront us, conclusions are made passing moral judgment. We sigh and judge the one, in most cases women, who is involved in this “dirty” act (as we, the society often perceive it) of killing the innocent infants: why does she have to bear only a girl child? why commit such a heartless act of throwing their/her own child after giving birth to the baby? Why does she have to live such a “loose” life? 

Our questions often stop there and do not investigate beyond. What must have compelled them to do the “dirty” act of killing/throwing away one’s own child? can we say they are rather “the henchmen.” There could be “Herods.” For in most cases due to economic necessity, the inability to provide for the child, or the risk factors of health, the foetus or the baby is either killed or disposed. It also cannot be overlooked that infanticide are due to patriarchy which controls woman body: when she should give birth, under which circumstances example only within marriages, and which gender she should give birth to. The risks factor and the burden involved in raising a girl child in a patriarchal society especially in India largely contribute to infanticide. 

So, then who kills the infants? The henchmen or the Herods? 

Dear God, enable us to recognised the Herods in us and amongst us. Give us the strength to stand against Herods of our day. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. 

Author: S. Esther Ao 

About the Author: Esther Ao is an Indigenous native from Nagaland who has done her Masters of Theology in the Old Testament Department.

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