
Wednesday 2 December 2020

S4-Day 2: A Covid Christmas! Seriously?

Reflecting Verse:
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it 
John 1:5 

The joy of waiting for Christmas is extraordinary. I too have anticipated for this season of joy all year long. The glittering crystal balls, the majestic choirs, the unending rounds of carols, the mid-night prayer meetings, the sharing of Christmas message, the cold wintry breeze carrying the sweet aroma of the barbeque coal, the freshly baked cake and of course a passionate reunion with the family. All seems to fade away this year. Who will carry the good tidings? Who can dare sing “Joy to the world the Lord has come”? Is their any reason left to sing for joy? We who managed to live through the end of the year, are still battling 24x7 with the unseen, unheard, unknown deadly virus. 

All day long we thrive to ensure maximum security of ourselves and our family, still by the end of the day we doubt, we fear, we anxiously go to our beds completely uncertain and at times hopeless for tomorrow. The minute, lifeless, despicable parasite has shaken humanity inside out. The world is surrounded with clouds of thick darkness. This darkness carries with it the cries of the lost, the fear of the deadly virus, the cruelty of the nobles, the atrocities on innocents. Who can shed a ray of light in this pitch-dark night? Can the star shine in this cold and gloomy night? Can it show us the way to our redeemer today? Can the Savior even be born amidst this pandemic? Can we ever desire normality amidst casualty? 

The constant fear and the raging anxiety, the unending grief of day to day inhuman and dirty activities have frozen the hearts of the masses. The sun does not seem to peek over the horizon anymore. We are left with no sunshine but a cold and dreary darkness. It looks likes the year will end in dreadful silence, no pleasure, no merry-making. 

An anxious heart has no room for celebration, parties and lavish Christmas. But, lets slow down and think, does Christmas entail massive celebrations, parties, Santa? At least, not the first Christmas! The first Christmas was the exact opposite of the commercialized Christmas today. It was indeed dark and gloomy night when the star showed the way to our Savior’s birth place. Amidst the bewilderment of the couple, the Savior of the world laid on hay. Heralding angels with loud praise bestowed peace on those God favored. Jesus Christ is the ‘true light’ that shines in the darkness, which darkness can never overcome. The world resounds the echoes of the innocent cries. And it is the birth of Messiah alone that can turn the cries into glad tidings. 

Today, as we are surrounded by dense cloud of darkness, this very hopeless state of the world provides an ultimate ground for Christ’s birth today. It is in desperate situations like ours that we can have a fuller experience of the joy of our Messiah’s birth. We do not need fancy gifts, Christmas tree or Santas, all we need is hope and redemption that is found in Christ alone. We could never be more vulnerable than we already are now, we desperately need a Savior. Are you ready to accept and to cherish the joy of Christ’s birth in this pandemic? 

Dear God, we are tired to live with fear and insecurity. This Christmas, fill us with gladness and your inner peace. Be born in our hearts and free us from the clutches of sin, evil, all  fears. Help us to share the joy of your arrival into this earth with the weary souls around us. You are and will always be the reason for the season. Amen 

Author: Akanksha Samuel Makasare 

About the Author: Akanksha earned her Bachelor of Divinity from Allahabad Bible Seminary, Prayagraj and Master of Theology in the Department of Old Testament from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Allahabad Bible Seminary.


  1. Beautiful n profound reflection. Definitely Christmas is not about the over hyped commercialization but about the quiet and humble birth of the savior. I love what u do. Gbu

  2. This is perfect. We have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and everything commercialized now. Worth a thought thou!
