
Saturday 19 December 2020

S4-Day 19: Donkey- The Dirty Animal

There is a saying in Tamil that explains how, camphor’s aroma is never known to a ‘donkey.’ Metaphorically expounding, that camphor, which in India is used for worship in temples and as a symbol of sanctification, that such an element’s ritualistic significance could seldom, if not never be understood by an animal as dumb and dirty as a donkey (the animal usually denotes an unworthy or ungrateful individual). Ironically twenty centuries earlier in the history of time, donkeys in Jesus’ journey (before and after his birth) are dirty creatures that truly understood the camphor’s significance. 

The lowliest of animals that people could own during that period, in that region was a donkey, as it still is in most parts of the world. The dereliction that these animals were and/or are subject to is enormous, despite their usefulness. And how often are donkeys characterized in comparison with doing dirty work is astounding, for example the person smuggling narcotics is called a drug mule. The logic we wilfully ignore in this scenario is, only persons with an exceeded necessity and the absolute non-existence of other occupation that could have met their ends is, what coerces them to be involved in the illegal transportation and acquiring of harmful drugs while a handful of others reap the benefit of the mule’s dirty work; such acts occur due to an absence of opportunities but not greed. 

To this day in India, people belonging to a certain sect of the lower caste (Dhobis) are still the ones who carry out the work of washing dirty laundry as their profession, suitably so donkeys are the meek creatures that are assigned as their carrier. Our country abides by the norms of social conventions from thousands of years which dictates, that people born into certain communities should still be tethered to historic and presumptuous standards. 

However, that same history teaches us, that God intervened to break the increasing trends of divisionism that were moulded to outcast a few millions as ‘dirty’. God did not stop at choosing the ‘donkey’- a dirty animal to be the carrier of good news and hope but went on to insinuate that, this dirty creature was never intended to be dirty at the cusp of creation neither should it be now. God’s use of metaphors in life is incredible, if we read the scriptures with spiritual precepts and the occasional reading between the lines, we would not miss them. God’s spirit is kindred with the lowly in heart, further unveiling why the ‘dirty donkey’ was chosen yet again to carry Jesus on her back during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Mark11: 1-11). 

From paving a humble and sanctified beginning for a prince in the womb of his Mother to carrying that same prince who was exalted as the King of all kings; from ensuring that the birth of the Saviour was not widespread news, to enabling all of Jerusalem to glorify that same Redeemer as the Messiah, God chose the ‘donkey’s’ narrative to be rewritten and not misused in history. The animated movie ‘The Star’ based on the birth of Christ to have a radical narration of the donkey in Christ’s Story, is a movie to watch this Christmas season. 

God’s timely intervention in the birth and life of Christ along with the redeemer’s actions had assured to shatter stereotypical practices and behaviours across borders. As believers in Christ it is our great honour and duty to follow what Jesus taught; by becoming agents of intervention, who design measures to unhook the chain of social hierarchy and impede the cycle of insensitive labelling of living souls. 

God of life implore with us to be sensitive and nurturing of all living things. It is our responsibility as believers to uphold life by becoming mindful and respectful of other, guide us do so. Amen. 

Author: Ramya Angelina 

About the Author: Ramya is a theology enthusiast, an avid reader, animal lover, environmental conservative, and mystery movie buff. She calls herself an amateur writer. She began by writing reports on church related activities from the perspective of a young person and gradually took to the habit to voice unspoken truth, to bring a feminist’s perspective in spirituality. She currently works as a Lecturer of Commerce Lecturer.

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