
Sunday 27 December 2020

S4 Day-27: Three Wise Men: The Seekers of Truth

The Gospel of Matthew tells of the gifts that the Wise Men gave to Jesus. These three men were wise. They gave their time, talents, treasures, and testimonies. They spent their valuable time and journeyed from a far to meet Jesus. Using their talents, they followed the star that led them to reach to the dirty manger. Without any expectation, they gifted their treasures to Jesus. When they came before Jesus, they fell down and worshipped him. In doing so, they acknowledged both his leadership and his Messianic ship that represents their gift of testimonies. 

The treasures of the Wise Men brought were of significant value and prophetic importance. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh are gifts worthy of a humble king Jesus. Gold is symbolic of Christ’s deity of king, frankincense represents his purity as priest of God and myrrh is suggestive of his anointed work as a prophet and of his death. 

Gold represents the symbolic nature of God. It is the most precious metals and is extremely rare in its purest form. To reach to its purest form the metal has to burn and die in the fire. Similarly, Jesus being a humble king went through crucifixion, and death, so that, he will fulfil the task of a king. A king dies for the people to give them life. The gift of gold given by one of the wise men pointed to the begotten Son who was given by God to be king of creation. But, his reign proclaims good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, recovering sight to the blind and set liberty to those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18-19). The wise man’s gift offers Jesus the title Messiah, for he is the Saviour of the whole humanity. 

Frankincense is an aromatic, clear resin used for incense and perfumes; and was treasured for its aroma and healing properties. Even in the Temple, the priest used it during the worship. To give fragrance, it has to put in the fire and to burn completely. Jesus being a high priest, he himself offered in the fire as an incense to please God on behalf of the whole humanity and shed his blood as a sacrificial lamb to cleanse human beings from their sins. The gift of frankincense given by one of the wise men pointed to the work of Jesus as a priest, who ministered for three and a half year to the people and finally, crucified to offer himself to God as a burnt offering (Leviticus 1:1-17). 

Myrrh is a spice used for medicine, cosmetics and anointing oil. It is generally mixed into the oil that is used to anoint prophet for the divinely appointed work of revealing God and communicating God’s will and works to God’s people. Jesus also confirmed his office as a prophet both through his words and works. Though he was born in a dirty manger within a context of male infanticide, his parents brought him up to stand for truth and justice. The gift of myrrh is also used for preserving the dead body. Hence, this precious spice honoured Jesus’ death (John 19:39). 

These three Wise Men, who were the seekers of truth following the star, came to Bethlehem to pay their homage to Jesus (Number 24:17). They recognized and acknowledged the baby Jesus, as the glorified and humble king, priest and prophet, who is going to destroy all evils from this earth. Nevertheless, he had to sacrifice his life on the cross, so the whole creation is redeemed from the bondage of sin and receive salvation in faith. 

God of grace, we thank you for your valuable gift, your Son Jesus Christ whom you offered as a sacrificial lamb to fulfil your plan of salvation. May these three Wise men’s gifts remind us as the Church about the richness of Christ’s love, faithfulness and obedience in order to fulfil God’s will in establishing God’s reign in this earth. Amen. 

Author: Rev. Sushana Pramanik 

About the Author: Rev. Sushana hails from Sambalpur, Odisha. She belongs to Karnataka Central Diocese St. Mark’s Cathedral, Church of South India. She has completed her Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology from the United Theological College, Bangalore. She has completed and submitted her Doctoral Dissertation to the Senate of Serampore University and waiting to receive her Degree. She is presently working as the Translations Advisor in the Department of Translations in the Bible Society of India, Bangalore.

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