
Wednesday 23 December 2020

S4-Day 23: He married her even though…

The story of Christmas is very exciting. It is not only because Jesus was born but also because it involves people from different walks of life. The life-events of these people are both wonderful and complicated. The priest Zacharias is speech impaired as he does not believe the words of angel Gabriel and his wife Elisabeth conceives. The shepherds who were watching over their cattle were told the good news by the angles while the wise men from the east followed a star to worship the new born king. A man and a woman were betrothed to be married. Later gets to know that woman is pregnant (not with his child). This man being just, then decides to break the engagement privately and not push her into public embarrassment. The woman was Mary and the man was Joseph. 

In all sermons that I have heard of Joseph, the preacher always mentions, “Joseph married Mary even though she was pregnant.” The thought that a woman’s body, especially her womb is the property of her husband is something that is very subtly put in our minds through such statements. We know very little about Joseph. He only appears at the birth of Jesus in the gospel according to Matthew and Luke. 

Matthew tells us that he was from the genealogy of king David. He was engaged to Mary and that he was a just man. He thus, wished to put her away privately, wherein she could be with another man (Deut. 24:1). But then the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and tell him not to put her away but to marry Mary. Joseph does as the angel of the Lord asked of him. Joseph thus, stands as a man who breaks the stereotypical notions around marriage. He sets an example by being there for Mary at the time of her delivery. He takes care of Mary. 

Quite often women are pushed into cages of fear with the society treating them with patriarchal-judgmental attitudes. However, the Christmas story changes the dirty narratives around such women. Joseph in this narrative show how he too, was engulfed by the social norms that were prevalent. Yet, the message of God through Gabriel, plays a corrective measure at the situation not only doing justice for Mary, but also become the icon men ought to look up to at such instances. 

Most of our young boys are brought up with the teaching that he is “ghar ka chirag” which means “lamp of the house.” That it is the boys who will take the name of the household forward as it is them through whom the children will be born. This also creates a lot of insecurity for men who do not have children. They are made to feel less men by the society. But the story of Christmas tells us about a man who did not become less a man by marrying a woman who was already bearing a child. 

The story of Christmas tells us of a man who goes down in history as being called the father of the son, who would save his people. How many men man-up to say I stand with ‘her’? How many men can accept to be the Josephs of our time? Would you men want to learn from Joseph or wait for Gabriel to remind what you ought to do? The choice is yours! 

Oh God of love and justice, you created us humans in your image to remain in union with one another reflecting you triuneness, but we failed. Give us the strength to pick ourselves from the wrong-doings and lead us to set things right. We pray this prayer in the name of the baby who came to liberate and renew life, Jesus Christ our lord. Amen. 

Author: Rev. Priscilla S Rawade 

About the Author: Rev. Priscilla is an ordained minister of the Church of North India. She completed her Bachelor of Divinity from Bishop’s College, Kolkata and her Master of Theology in Biblical Studies (Old Testament) from the United Theological College, Bangalore. She is currently teaching in the department of Biblical Studies (Old Testament) in Bishop’s College, Kolkata. 

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