
Wednesday 26 August 2020

S2-Day 26: God in the Government Offices

In Nagaland there is a famous group known as “Dreamz unlimited” who are well known for their Theatre and Film production. I happen to come across one of their video which portrays about the son who went to the officers house seeking for his father early pension paper work, so that they could survive with the pension scheme. The video doesn’t end up without a humor in reality, since the officer told the son that he already had a talk with the father about chai pani (which means money given as bribery for work to be done). The son took it literally and gave bribe not in cash, but a pack of tea leaves, small pack of milk and sugar, and even included a pack of biscuit so that the work can be done sooner. One who understands the Nagamese dialect will surely connect it even more to the reality that is happening in government sector, since in many ways one cannot complete its paper work especially without giving money as bribe. 

I always question myself about my beautiful state Nagaland as a small state in the north-eastern part of India which is declared as Christian state with the title known as "Nagaland for Christ" for its Christian population. The title can be deceiving, Nagaland is not what its title says it to be. As I was reflecting on the theme ‘God in dirty places’ my thoughts and criticisms directly led me to ponder upon the governing system in my land, especially when it comes to government offices in the Naga society. The government and the employees whether it may be the top most officials or the lowest working grade are known as “public servants” in general understanding. However, the issues of corruption and nepotism are deeply rooted in a Christian dominant state. It disguises itself with a clean image yet being dirty within, with injustices seen everywhere. 

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Having stated this statement, it did not mean to put down our own faith of being Christians, however it is to make a statement to our fellow Christians of how committed are we to the Christian values that Christ has taught us. The people mostly in my place to be precise understand that theological studies are all about church ministry and missionary work in foreign land, anything “secular” that mixes with theology is consider wrong and against the will of God. If any theological graduate working in the government sector, is said to have earned the theological degree for name sake. Downfall in life for that person is inevitable. Corruption is against Christ, yet we are part of it; and still boast of sending 10,000 missionaries for the "gospel-sake." What an irony!

To present oneself in such an environment, when there are thousands of theological graduates who are unemployed raises an important question on what ministry is, outside the four walls of the church? Being a theologically trained it must be even more encouraging to enter into the system in the government sector, to bring the real changes, to  overturn the tables for a society that is just and egalitarian. 

God never sides the corrupt officers, their injustices, dirty governance and the abuse of power. Rather God takes the side of oppressed, poor, who are crushed in the hand of powerful leaders and who faces injustices in the hands of corrupted officers. How long do we remain silent and stay away from the ‘dirty’ Government offices? Do we still want to claim a clean image in taking the name of God in vain? Or are we ready to clean-up wherever necessary? 


God who is the ruler and controller of every creation, we pray that yours words will be done on earth against the corrupted leaders today as it is in heaven, seeking your heavenly power over earthly power of humans who are suffering in the hands of selfish and greedy officers, we pray that even if there is a bribe over talents and truth, your actions will one day served better for all who are helplessly weaken and broken without power and money because of corrupted officers. Amen.

Author: Lempang H Phom 

About the Author: Lempang is a Tribal Naga of Phom tribe from Dimapur Nagaland. He earned his Bachelor of Divinity from Bishops’ College Kolkata, West Bengal. Presently he is pursuing his Master of Theology 2 nd year in the department of Religion under North India Institute of Post Graduate Theological Studies (NIIPGTS) jointly federated by the Bishops’ College Kolkata and Serampore College, Serampore, West Bengal. His keen interests are music, reading, cooking, fitness goals and so on.


  1. May God give more reformed leader to lead this Govt..

  2. Good one Lempang. Continue to write and inspire.

  3. Excellent and wonderful Writing about the corrupt people and the unjust government system. Very thought provoking, relavant and so meaningful to all of us inour present context. It's highly Radical, Theologically awesome and very Scholarly.
