
Thursday 20 August 2020

S2-Day 20: God in the NGO

Reflecting Verses: 

He asked Jesus, “And Who is my neighbour?” Luke 10: 29b
He (Jesus) said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10: 37

Since 2014, The Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India has cancelled the FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) registration of over 14,800 NGOs (expected to be over 20,000). Many Christians believed it to be an action directed against Christian Humanitarian Aid, indirectly targeting the Christian Religion, as a part of the process of “Cleansing India” and others said it was to regularize the flow of money (Foreign Contribution) into the country and to curb fraud. I say it is more of the latter and less of the former. 

Many NGOs, whether Christian or not, are identified to have been involved in some sort of wrongdoing. Corruption and abuse being the dominant incidents, many of them have succumbed to commercialization rather than fulfilling the purpose for which they have been established. In 2013, a bench headed by Justice Pradeep Nandrajog of the Delhi High Court said “Most private run so-called philanthropic organizations do not understand their social responsibilities. 99% of the existing NGOs are fraud and simply moneymaking devices. Only one out of every hundred NGOs serve the purpose they are set up for.” Since then, the government has been strict about issuing licenses and cancelling registrations of organizations who failed to submit the necessary documents. 

Christian NGOs are based on biblical teachings such as helping the poor and devoting the tithes to the needy. Jesus taught much about charity and love for his/her neighbor. He called for people to help not only friends but also enemies, as well as the people who are oppressed. But a very recent experience of my uncle with an NGO gave me a different opinion. He ran a children’s Centre which helped 50 poor tribal kids by offering them one meal every day and supported them with their education (Fees, Books, Uniforms). 

Most of the kids’ parents are daily wage workers or domestic helpers. On certain days, because of the meagre income of their parents, food provided at the children’s Centre used to be the only meal they get. The Centre was supported by an organization for a long time but was later shut down by the government, unfortunately. Seeking help, so that those poor kids would not go hungry, he approached a reputed Christian NGO. 

This NGO did offer to help but they had unnecessary rules and regulations for support such small. They asked my uncle to get a new bank account, new registration number, a new name (all of which he previously possessed). Then he was asked to start running the Centre, without providing any funds, by giving assurance that the money spent on the kids would be reimbursed. 

During this whole process, the way the staff of the NGO treated him was disheartening. Many times, he went back from their office with questions unanswered. But for the sake of the kids, to feed them and to help them, he pursued and continued to run the Centre for 5 months on his own. Finally, he ended up at a point where he couldn’t run it without support. When he went to the office, all they could say was that there was not enough ration for the kids in storage for which they won’t be funding the children’s Centre. 

He then clarified that he didn’t receive any support from them and this was all he could do with his own money. Upon giving all the required information (bills, receipts, documentation), they refused to reimburse and cancelled the funding without any explanation. He ended up closing the children’s Centre. 

We find numerous cases such as these in most of the Christian NGOs. Fraud, money laundering, sexual abuse, scams, deception are some of the terms being associated with them these days. In days and situations such as the present: What is the example that is being set with tags like these associated with Christian Organizations? What is our role? What is our responsibility? What is our witness? Who are we serving? Who/what are we loving? Who is the Samaritan? Who is my Neighbor? 


Dear God, give us a heart to love, to serve, to have mercy and to have compassion. Help us to be channels to spread your love to the people in need. Help us to love our neighbor like ourselves. Amen.

Author: Anonymous


  1. Dear Anonymous, I don't know why you named is mentioned, really pity for your uncle, because of few miscreants, the real NGO's are dying...may God give your uncle strength to overcome and continue to serve many..

  2. Dear Anonymous, I don't know why your name is not mentioned, really pity for your uncle, because of few miscreants, the real NGO's are dying...may God give your uncle strength to overcome and continue to serve many..
