
Monday 17 August 2020

S2-Day 17: God in the Market

Market has no fixed explanation. However, in simple terms, it is that ‘one platform’ where monetary exchanges for goods and services take place. The market that I would like to reflect is the traditional one, which we often refer to as ‘the bazaar’ – usually considered as the dirtiest place by most of us. 

The reflection theme, “God in the Market,” gave me a jolt, reminding me the attitude I had every time I visited a market to buy vegetables – Scrunched face, twitched nose, frowned eyebrows, and my mouth covered, I would walk tip-toed (trying not to let the dirty water touch my feet) on the smelly path with a disgusted feeling as if... 

Later, I started going to the malls, and sometimes I went on to the extent of buying all the needed vegetables online, though I knew that the vegetables were from the same so-called stinky and dirty place and from the same people whom I considered dirty and smelly. However, no matter how dirty and smelly I considered it/those/them to be, I always ended up enjoying the food that was cooked from the vegetables that was bought from there. 

While reflecting on God in Dirty Places Theme I seriously started reflecting on my actions. After lots of thoughts, debates and discussions in my mind, I realized that nothing was wrong with the market, but the problem was within me and the way I perceived. I failed to realize that the people there are the children of God, wonderfully and beautifully created like me, the vegetables are the reflection of God’s unlimited provision, and the place was creatively arranged by God and brought us together to fulfill certain tasks that were set before us in which I, of course failed in some way. I was unable to portray the real Christianness in me, which Jesus taught us to be. 

Some might be able to identify themselves with me and the approach I had towards market. To all of us I would like to draw out a reminder that, God’s task for us humans is also to earn for our own livelihood (Genesis 3:19. a). Everyone is striving to survive through one’s own ability and capacity. And in the midst of all our human activities, God is always looking after us and being filled with love and compassion, have put us all at the right place with the right people for the right purpose. God loves us all the same and is using us as a channel to fulfill each other’s need for survival. This, in turn would strike a balance to our life creating spaces, by reinstating love, peace and joy to grow with. And the least we can do as God’s children is to be polite, considerate, put ourselves in their shoes and bring a smile to their face. We must never forget that God is Omnipresent and so is in the market. No matter what our story is/might be, it should not and does not give us the right to discriminate anyone in anyway. 


Dear God in the market place, we have overseen your presence in such a dirty space. As our minds are moved with our selfish consumeristic attitude, grant us the courage to radically shift back to a farmer centered attitude. Empower all people who toil hard to feed us and the creation that supplies our needs. Amen. 

Author: Wapangyingla Ao 

About the Author: Wapangyingla hails from Nagaland. She completed her Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology in the department of Christian Ministry from Clark Theological College, Mokakchung. She served as a Youth pastor at Aonokpu Baptist Church and later interned with the National Council of Churches in India, Nagpur. She taught as a lecturer at the Gossner Theological College, Ranchi. Presently she serves at the Senate of Serampore College office.

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