
Wednesday 12 August 2020

S2-Day 12: God in Creation

The entire world is in chaos and is in search for a vaccine to kill the invisible enemy. But the whole creation is retreating as it is setting itself in order. God in creation reminds us the writings of the Reformed Theologian Jurgen Moltmann, in his book “God in Creation” he draws a relationship between God and the created order that is dirty or unclean. For he says, love is a full–fledged two-way interaction between the Creator and the creation irrespective of its dirtiness. 

When God created the world, it was void, dirty, filled with darkness, yet the triune God was found to be in the dirtiness. It proves that God is in every creation, whether conceived as good or bad. Many created beings are considered to be weird and dirty like, snakes, lizards and other creeping creatures, that are found to be strange and will not be liked by many. But when we look in deeper, we can experience and sense the wonderful uniqueness of God’s creation. 

God’s creation is unique in every sense and though it seems to be weird or dirty, God’s creations are unique and wonderful in this world. Every creation is to be appreciated and to be protected. The Old Testament considers many birds, animals as dirty or profane, but the New Testament accepts every creation as seen in Peter’s Vision. Peter was unwilling to eat four-footed creatures and reptiles and birds, to which God responds, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.” (Acts 10:15) As Peter we Christians consider many things as profane. 

The reason why we see some as profane, and exploit the creation is, we do not see God and feel God’s presence in every creation. Paul in his epistle to the Romans said, all of creation suffers or groans in frustration (Romans 8:22). If creation groans, God groans along. This pandemic Covid19 is restoring the creation in back to its order. The groaning of every creation was heard by God and God has set the creation in its order. 

The world in which we live, does not give importance to protect, value and preserve the environment. When we see God in every creation we will protect, value and preserve every creation and we will spread love rather hatred. Let us be reminded of a saying of a great Tamil Saint Ramalinga Swamigal (Vallalar), who said “Whenever I find a withered crop, I wither.” If we love God and see God in every creation, there will be no hatred, violence, exploitation, etc. Let us not wait for a day that sets all creation in order, better let us make every day a good day for every creation and a better world to live. 


Lord, make us an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, help us to bring love. O Lord helps us to find You in every creation, though the world may consider it as unclean. Give us the eyes to see good in every creation. Help us to restore, renovate and recreate a better world for every creation in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Author: Vishwanth V. Jeyaraj, 

About the Author: Vishwanth finished his Bachelor of Divinity studies in Madras Theological Seminary and College, Kilpauk, Chennai. Currently pursuing his Master of Theology in Christian Theology Department at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute. He comes from Methodist Tamil Church, Chennai.